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Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity through Ayurveda

7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity through Ayurveda

The Significance of Immunity in Ayurveda

According to modern medicine, immunity is the capacity of specific cells, proteins and immunomodulatory chemicals that attack microorganisms and keep them from creating infections and diseases. Ayurveda bifurcates diseases into two forms- Nija and Aganthu.

Nija diseases can be grasped as those which are caused inside oneā€™s body by an imbalance and can be prevented from occurring by evaluating an individualā€™s natural tendencies. On the other hand, Aganthu diseases can be understood as those which are caused by external factors such as physical injuries, poor lifestyle habits, and invasion of viral and bacterial contaminations.

There are plenty of factors that trigger your immunity system and make you fall all the more frequently.

Factors that Negatively Affect Your Immune System:

  • Imbalanced diet ā€“ Consuming excessive processed and unhealthy foods lower down your immune system gradually.
  • Stress & Anxiety– One of the major factors that weaken your immunity is excess of worry, anxiety and depression.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption– As per medical specialists, consuming alcohol or tobacco within a prescribed limit can attack your immune system.
  • Obesity- Weight gain is not bad but if you are obese, you will surely find your immune system deteriorating because of poor metabolism functioning.
  • Sleep Deprivation– Sleeping less than 7 hours a day has long-term effects in weakening your immunity system.
  • Excessive use of medications– Doing self-medication on a daily basis badly affects the liver and consequently drains your inner strength.
  • Dehydration– If you drink too little, you attract multiple vitamin deficiencies, poor metabolism and poor immunity.

Augment Your Immune System through Ayurveda

Do you know there is a bond between mind, digestion, and your immunity

Do you know? Is there is a bond between mind, digestion and immunity?

This is why the medical specialists field creates natural remedies for every kind of problem knowing that there will be an influence of all three in a positive manner. Ultimately, it is the mental state of a person that improves or aggravates his physical health.

Let us unveil some of the magical Ayurveda remedies which will offer surprising benefits to your overall health.

Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System through Ayurveda

  1. Begin your day with Tulsi

Add long, pepper, Tulsi, and ginger and boil the mixture to make a cup of immunity tea. Have it the first thing in the morning. It will clear your upper respiratory tract and boost your immune system like anything. Ā In hay fever or viral, Covid or Omicron days, you can always rely upon this absolutely effective Tulsi remedy.

  1. Go for a Balanced Diet

What you feed your stomach has a crucial role in developing your immune system. Make sure you have a maximum intake of green vegetables, with a blend of curd and lots of fibre-rich foods on your plate.

  1. Use the Turmeric Remedy

turmeric remedy for immunity

Turmeric is swamped with health benefits. Have a cup of turmeric and black pepper tea in the morning or golden turmeric milk in the night. The powerhouse of antioxidants will give you a full dose of immunity and help you fight any kind of viral, bacterial or recurring allergic infections. Induce turmeric in your meals and you will be amazed to experience your immunity getting stronger day by day.

  1. Take Amla Juice Daily

From the historic to the 21st century, Amla has never gone out of immunity building ingredients list. Bring it into your daily health regimen by consuming as minimum as 15ml and you are surely on the right path of strengthening your immunity.

  1. Induce Plenty of Liquids throughout the Day

plenty of liquds for immunity

Never let dehydration become the cause of poor immunity as you always have a glass of water kept right in your kitchen. Consuming plenty of warm water will ward off any microbes that may enter and weaken your immune system. For better results, you can add lemon, honey and ginger once or twice.

  1. Immunity-Boosting Supplements

Immunity Boosting Supplements

When you want to strengthen your immune system fast and effectively, there are amazing herbal solutions such as Wrica Immunity Booster from Teacherā€™s Grace. Wrica is a powerhouse of 10 vital herbs namely, Ashwagandha, Papaya, Tulsi, Pippali, Giloy, Haridra, Yashtimadhu, Bhumi Amlaki all of which go a long way in fighting off viruses and augment your immune system like never before.

  1. A Regular Yoga Practice

yoga for immunity

Stretching your body with Yoga poses will not only make you physically fit but also stimulate your blood circulation eventually boosting your immune system and making you capable of fighting inner and external diseases.

Let us voyage on the basic philosophy of Ayurveda- ā€œUse nature to recuperate the natural enemies attacking or developing within your body.ā€ As you will profoundly understand how your mind and bodyā€™s issues are interconnected, you will actually want to cure yourself without consuming unsafe medications.

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