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Benefits of Ghee

5 Magical Benefits of Ghee for Your Overall Health

Do you recollect? In your childhood days, there weren’t any extravagant lip balms accessible in the stores, yet your moms and grandmas fed you spoonfuls of ghee for everyday moisturising and nourishment?

Also baptised as ‘liquid gold,’ ghee was originally developed in India, consumption of which began in 1500-500 BCE. As Hinduism culture worships cows, the dairy products produced from their milk also held extremely high regard for conducting auspicious rituals and ceremonies.

From the Ayurveda perspective, ghee or clarified butter is revered as one of the most incredible immunity boosters, which improves your digestive system, eyesight, bone health and nurtures the nervous system. In addition, consuming ghee in a day makes an individual calm throughout the day. Not only is this, during pregnancy, ghee is a magnificent supplement for both the mother and child.

Rich in several vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, and K2, Ghee is the most-needed ingredient you must add in at least one of your meals during the Coronavirus period to boost your entire immune system, says India’s one of the top nutritionists Rujuta Diwekar.

What is Ghee, according to Ayurvedic Science?

Benefits of Ghee according to Ayurveda

Ghee is a phenomenal ‘carrier ingredient’ that transports herbal extracts to the most profound layer of skin tissues. Ghee can be easily comprehended as butter, typically the most refined milk product.

According to ancient scriptures, ghee has been known to increase the sattvik attributes of life. Holding qualities of being a slow and soft, thick and oily liquid, ghee has been broadly utilized as a massaging ingredient to aid develops infant’s internal strength. For decades, ghee has received a special and most paramount place in the kitchen owing to its antioxidant properties that increase the intelligence ‘Buddhi’ and internal juices’ Rasa’ of a child’s body in its developing years.

Did you know?

100 ml of ghee provides nearly 883 calories of energy.”

“Ghee doesn’t cause any allergies as it is lactose-free.”

Well, this is not it! Allow us to assist you through the most wonderful benefits of Ghee that will propel you to bring this ingredient into your overall health regimen:

1. All in One Solution for Hair Problems

Benefits of Ghee for Hair

Ghee is rich in omega-3, omega-9 fatty acid, vitamin A and D, which boost hair cell growth. It is packed with antioxidants that further help fight fungal and bacterial infections over the scalp. Get deep nourishment from ghee, and you will forget everything from hair fall, dandruff, hair growth issues, and so on.

Follow this secret remedy:

Step1: Add 2 tablespoons of ghee with 1 teaspoon of almond oil and lemon juice.

Step2: Apply the mixture on the scalp and leave it for 1 hour.

Step3: Rinse with a mild shampoo.

You can also use 100% Natural Onion Hair Oil by Teacher’s Grace.

2. A Miraculous Glow Giver

When used as a massager, the most natural anti-ageing solution, ghee, gives significant results in the skin. It invades skin tissues by making cells healthy and rejuvenating the skin from within.

The anti-oxidizing agents present in ghee wonderfully combat the early signs of ageing. Not just this, the powerhouse of vitamins gives your skin a youthful glow within a short span of time. If you have dark circles, don’t you worry at all! The magical beautifier removes eye bags as well.

Follow this secret remedy:

Step1: Add Haldi and besan in ghee to create a thick paste.

Step2: Apply the homemade paste all over your face.

Step3: Leave it dry for 20 minutes, and you are done.

Have you also tried Natural De-Pigmentation & Skin Enriching Cream by Teacher’s Grace? It wonderfully restores your skin imbalances from within by removing dark spots and wrinkles, providing you with a subtle, smooth, and youthful glow. Enriched with ingredients such as Kesar, Rose Petals, Saffron, Yashtimadhu, and Pine Bark, this cream is a magical glow giver that results in one application.

3. A Magical Healer for All Your Skin Woes

Benefits of Ghee for Skin

Cracked lips, dark elbows, or cracked feet, you can apply ghee without any second thoughts. This is an ultimate healer that cures even the oldest of skin wounds.

Follow this secret remedy:

  • For cracked lips, rub a little ghee directly before bed.
  • Rub a little ghee for dark elbows while adding little besan into it.
  • Apply ghee with a bit of turmeric on the affected areas for skin wounds.

4. Protects You from Nasal Allergies & Respiratory Disorders

Exposure to dust and pollution often causes a myriad number of nose allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, to name a few. All these allergies affect the upper respiratory tract at first but get worse if left untreated. According to Ayurveda, ghee is a surprising medicine that prevents your nostrils from catching any harmful pollutants that may invade while breathing.

Over the centuries, ‘Nasya treatment has been devised to treat nasal allergies by Ayurveda specialists as ghee miraculously cures even the worst forms of respiratory disorders.

Follow this secret remedy:

Step1: Make ghee a little warm on the stove.

Step2: Apply a thin layer of ghee in each nostril.

Step3: Do the remedy daily to clear the nasal passage.

5. Helps You Get Rid of Migraines & Arthritis Pain

Benefits of Ghee For Arthritis

Usually, we do head massages to treat headaches. However, sometimes your headache takes a chronic form which you know as ‘migraine.’ It is caused due to excess of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. To get rid of chronic migraine pains, you need ghee and black peppercorns remedy.

According to Shalini Bliss, Head Nutritionist and Dietician in Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurugram,” Consuming Desi ghee in moderation gives magical results in painful joints. The vitamins present in ghee are useful for treating ailments like Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.”

As per Ayurveda science, ghee consumed on an empty stomach cures the body ‘Rasa.’ Ghee provides nutrition to each and every cell in the body. Furthermore, black peppercorns are filled with an enzyme called ‘piperine’ that is anti-inflammatory. This means, with an amalgamation of ghee and peppercorns, you can get rid of chronic headaches, migraines, and even arthritis pains.

Follow the secret remedy:

Step1: Consume ghee by making it a bit warm.

Step2: Eat 4-5 black peppercorns along

Step3: Drink warm ghee on an empty stomach in the morning.

Step4: Do this remedy daily.

Why should you eat ghee over oil?

Ghee is a customary source of energy with unimaginable healing properties. From treating cold and cough, strengthening nerves, and boosting digestion, ghee is frequently utilised as a staple food ingredient in Indian families. Refined oils, on the contrary, have brought out a ton of health issues such as heart sickness, acid reflux, weight gain, and well, that’s just the beginning. This is because oils are loaded with poly-saturated fats, which may cause inflammation in the body. Desi ghee is excellent for regular cooking as it doesn’t even raise your cholesterol levels.

Reader’s takeaway

Now that you are aware of Ghee’s significant advantages, bring this tasty and healthy ingredient to your daily routine. Pamper your hair, skin, and body in the most natural way. Start your day with this wellness remedy, and you are certainly on the journey of wellness.

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